Animal List Administrator

A Zoo Animal Catalog

Portal to the Animal World.

Dive inside this wild animal application that uses the backend CRUD functions inside the Restful API interface architecture that transmits request and responses between client and server end points. We use REST Methods to validate and test query routes with Insomnia software. There we can POST, PUT/PATCH, DELETE data to database to test to see if it works during the development phase. Now that everything works successfully by using Express routes and the help of the run-time Node server, (Node.js) supported by the Javascript external server machine. Here, we can organize and view our animal catalog. We can also organize by categorizing animals to their species class. Assign the foods that these animals eat in their daily diet. Also, we can add new animals to the list with their unique personality types. With consideration, the function to add a new Zoo Keeper name and age, and favorite animal preference was a real utility. A warm, happy, fuzzy application, Indeed!

Add To Our Catalog.

Enter an Animal

On macOS, use command + click
On Windows, use ctrl + click

Enter a Zookeeper